I am currently listening to some entrepreneurs online talk about their experiences. I am hoping that something will stick so that I can somehow get out of my own head, out of my own way so that I can finally figure out what to start doing to work for myself. I'd love to hear what others have to say on this subject. Most of it is passion driven I know but I don't think I have given myself permission to really be passionate about anything. I do not really have any traditional hobbies. If I were to name one, it would be thinking. I am thinking all the time and remember even as a kid people would remark how serious I looked. And I was. I was busy thinking about anything and everything. This is probably why I write, to let some of those thoughts out.
Ok, my son just walked in and showed me how he bit his peanut butter toast into the shape of a dog :-). And every time I try to type he brings me another shape.
So I am thinking about an obstacle. For me, my largest obstacle is getting over the feeling that I am somehow a fraud or "who will ever listen to me" thoughts. I hide behind the fact that I have not proclaimed myself anything other than curious. It's common to most humans- curiosity. But eventually I will need to do more than that. I will have to name what I offer. I truly believe we all have something to offer.
In the meantime, my goal is to learn and to connect. I am looking for quality exchange. There are things that I may know that may be helpful to you and vice versa. I don't know if anything will come of this but I really don't want to stop.