Part of what I am good at doing is helping people think of things they may not have otherwise. I help them look outside themselves, outside of their current way of thinking. I have been doing this for years and it's the the aspect of my work that I really enjoy.
Now, I do not profess to know all of the answers but I am good at helping people make helpful connections. So, as an experiment, I am going to offer as much free help as I possibly can using both this blog and twitter. Then, in return, I'd like the people I help to pass it on in some way. I think instinctively most of us would do that anyway. Think of a time someone helped you, how much lighter it made you feel? What about when you helped someone else in a meaningful way? It felt good didn't it?
I know there are a million forums out there but on my blog you don't have to sign up or register for anything. Just come as you are. I will NOT share your information unless you give me permission to do so. Even if you have a silly blog name like mine.
What do you need help with?
Career or starting your own business?
Deciding on whether or not to pursue or finish a degree?
Should you move to a new state?
Blended families (need I say more?)
Cooking recipe ideas?
Mortgage/second mortgage issues?
What else? What else are you looking for help with? Let me know!
I am happy to help as much as I can. And then, we can leverage each other for help!
Much love,