Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Confession and a Pretty Song

I must admit that I have been struggling a bit with my challenge to completely avoid gossip or facebook.  It's such a hard habit for me to break! Restlessness drives me there when I tire of reading you know, stuff that is actually good for me or thought provoking.  Even it's only a quick glance, I feel guilty because I know these activities stall me.   It's easier to drift along the nonsense then to commit to what I know is good for me.   Hope your challenge is going better.  Even if I slip, I am proud to at least recognize it and not hold it against myself. 

That said, I came across this really pretty song by Alexi Murdoch.  I am half Scottish so I am always drawn to the slightest hint of a brogue.  Hope you enjoy his video.

Much love,


Alexi Murdoch - Through The Dark ( full studio version )

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Free Advice... Really!

Part of what I am good at doing is helping people think of things they may not have otherwise.  I help them look outside themselves, outside of their current way of thinking.  I have been doing this for years and it's the the aspect of my work that I really enjoy.

Now, I do not profess to know all of the answers but I am good at helping people make helpful connections.  So, as an experiment, I am going to offer as much free help as I possibly can using both this blog and twitter.  Then, in return, I'd like the people I help to pass it on in some way. I think instinctively most of us would do that anyway.  Think of a time someone helped you, how much lighter it made you feel?  What about when you helped someone else in a meaningful way? It felt good didn't it? 

I know there are a million forums out there but on my blog you don't have to sign up or register for anything.  Just come as you are.  I will NOT share your information unless you give me permission to do so.  Even if you have a silly blog name like mine. 

What do you need help with?
Career or starting your own business?
Deciding on whether or not to pursue or finish a degree?
Should you move to a new state?
Blended families (need I say more?)
Cooking recipe ideas?
Mortgage/second mortgage issues?

What else?  What else are you looking for help with?  Let me know! 

I am happy to help as much as I can.  And then, we can leverage each other for help!

Much love,


Top Ten Things I am Grateful and Thankful For

With Thanksgiving upon us, I thought it best to share my list:

Top Ten Grateful/Thankful
1. My children, asleep peacefully in their beds
2. Love of a good man (my husband)
3. My sense of wonder and sense of higher purpose for each of us
4. My tribe.  Thank you for your daily inspiration.
5. Cooking in my kitchen (my religion)
6. Hum of the dishwasher, washing machine and/or dryer.  Keeping my family clean and cared for.
7. An article, a book, a piece of art, the trees swaying in the breeze.  All Divine.
8. Coffee and chocolate
9. Mountain top view of Blue Ridge mountains. Magical. 
10. Pretty things.

I would love to see yours!

Much love,


Monday, November 15, 2010

Building My Tribe and Breaking Old Habits

The title sounds like this should really be two separate posts but they are really connected.

One aspiration I have decided on is to stop reading gossip and this includes facebook, my old twitter (which was like an amped up version of facebook), various news sites that contained the ubquitious "entertainment" sections and even my old blog daily reads.  I had a milestone birthday this year (40) and I genuinely want to change, to become closer to myself.  To get closer to myself, I want to surround myself with like minded people, hence the desire to build my tribe.

Let me explain.

My father and I recently connected again.  It was really, really hard for me.  We both cried and I received the explanations and heard the words that I needed to hear.  This coversation healed a lot of pain I had been carrying around for years.  I believe he healed too.  Soon after this converstaion, I traveled with my husband and on the way home we stopped for gas and I used the restroom.  As I was washing my hands, I glanced in the mirror and not only saw myself, I recognized myself.  It was like "oh, there you are".  A woman now but I could still see traces of that happy, confident little girl that used to giggle in the plastic swimming pool during the summer.  The girl who had a father that loved her.

Once I had that first "recognition" of myself, I did not want to stop!  It was like a gift and I knew I needed more, to connect more.  The second think that happended was that I stumbled across a site that Jonathan Fields recommended called which just stunned me.  Danielle LaPorte is the author and a huge proponent of self realization.  She's bold and irreverant and I read as much of her content as I could.  Now, I have been trolling personal development for years.  For YEARS.  I have read countless books and online sites.  And I never really connected.   In fact, I became so discouraged, convinced that most were just charlatans looking to make a quick buck off of someones misery that if someone recommended someone as  someone to checkout, I made it my job to dig up as much negative as I could.  It was not difficult to type in the author's name and then insert the word "scam" and find forums and individuals who would share their negative experiences.

The fact is that, anyone can find something negative about anyone.  The point is, what do you choose to believe?   Where are you willing to take a leap of faith?   I've not only been disconnected with myself, but also with others.  I have purposely cut myself off from that.  I am realizing that it's the connections that count.  Who we align ourselves with matters.  I am slowly piecing together my tribe.  I select carefully.  I follow my heart, my instincts.  

My intention is to help others find their connections.  Most of us talk about it.  We kind of touch the edges of it but then gravitate back to where it's comfortable.

For 40 days, I decided that I would focus on feeding myself information that gets me closer to my connections.  In the process, I will build my tribe which will help me move forward and protect me through the wilds of the naysayers, the pessimists. 

Much love,


Sunday, November 14, 2010


I am currently listening to some entrepreneurs online talk about their experiences.  I am hoping that something will stick so that I can somehow get out of my own head, out of my own way so that I can finally figure out what to start doing to work for myself.  I'd love to hear what others have to say on this subject.  Most of it is passion driven I know but I don't think I have given myself permission to really be passionate about anything.  I do not really have any traditional hobbies.  If I were to name one, it would be thinking.  I am thinking all the time and remember even as a kid people would remark how serious I looked.  And I was.  I was busy thinking about anything and everything.  This is probably why I write, to let some of those thoughts out. 

Ok, my son just walked in and showed me how he bit his peanut butter toast into the shape of a dog :-).  And every time I try to type he brings me another shape.

So I am thinking about an obstacle.  For me, my largest obstacle is getting over the feeling that I am somehow a fraud or "who will ever listen to me" thoughts.  I hide behind the fact that I have not proclaimed myself anything other than curious.  It's common to most humans- curiosity.  But eventually I will need to do more than that.  I will have to name what I offer.  I truly believe we all have something to offer.

In the meantime, my goal is to learn and to connect.  I am looking for quality exchange.  There are things that I may know that may be helpful to you and vice versa.  I don't know if anything will come of this but I really don't want to stop.


Friday, November 12, 2010


For my first post, on  my shiny new blog, I thought it most appropriate to express how grateful I am, to be here, to be me.  Not long ago I would not have said that.

Yes, I am still figuring things out but that's the beauty of life.  Being able to stretch and shift and expand my thinking.  I have come across so many great blogs that have inspired me.   My eternal thanks to all of those brave enough and bold enough to put themselves out there.  You  are the teachers and mentors I have been seeking for years.  I used to pray for a mentor, and there you all were- right there before me.  I just had not discovered you yet.

I still get doubtful, feel inadequate and honestly want to delete this blog and twitter because my mind sometimes says "who do you think you are??" Well....  I am ME.  Get used to it. :-)

Much love,


P.S. Here is a photo of little me,  happy as can be :-)