Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Confession and a Pretty Song

I must admit that I have been struggling a bit with my challenge to completely avoid gossip or facebook.  It's such a hard habit for me to break! Restlessness drives me there when I tire of reading you know, stuff that is actually good for me or thought provoking.  Even it's only a quick glance, I feel guilty because I know these activities stall me.   It's easier to drift along the nonsense then to commit to what I know is good for me.   Hope your challenge is going better.  Even if I slip, I am proud to at least recognize it and not hold it against myself. 

That said, I came across this really pretty song by Alexi Murdoch.  I am half Scottish so I am always drawn to the slightest hint of a brogue.  Hope you enjoy his video.

Much love,
